IaafNews31 Jul 2015

Juantorena and Restrepo assist in media development project in Cali


Participants at the media development project in Cali (© Escuela Nacional del Deporte)

Participants from across the world took part in a highly successful media development project on 13-19 July, held during the IAAF World Youth Championships, Cali 2015.

A total of 28 participants were invited – 15 by the local organising committee and 13 by the IAAF – and many of the accredited media also took part.

The seminar was opened by IAAF council members Roberto Gesta de Melo and Victor Lopez. High-level presentations were made by guest speakers, including journalists Franco Fava and Hector Palau, Caterine Ibarguen’s coach Ubaldo Duany, and Colombia’s first Olympic athletics medallist Ximena Restrepo.

Speakers covered a range of topics including video analysis, athletics journalism and social media. On the final day, IAAF council member and double Olympic champion Alberto Juantorena presented the participants with their diplomas.

“After so many years, I noticed that the interest of old and new journalists in South and Central America for athletics is still very much alive,” said Fava, one of the lecturers, whose previous involvement in an IAAF media seminar was back in 1989.

“I was especially impressed by the presentation made by Ximena Restrepo, but also the press conference held by Caterine Ibarguen, which assisted in the exchange of ideas and discussions among participants. Ximena Restrepo’s address in particular expressed exactly what the relationship between athletes and the media should be.

“I believe athletics is in fact living a moment of profound evolution,” he added. “And journalists should be the first to take this opportunity, for the good and the development of our sport.”

The feedback from the participants was equally positive.

“During these days, we learned a lot,” said Fabiola Conde, a participant from Venezuela. “I know this will be useful not only in covering athletics, but also in motivating me to go deeper into the other sports I cover.”